Overall portrait
The MRC of Maskinongé is located on the north shore of the Saint Lawrence in the Mauricie region. Gateway to the Mauricie region for people from the West (e.g. Montreal), the MRC enjoys a strategic position. Specifically, it is located about 100 kilometres from Montreal and 160 kilometres from Quebec City.
The MRC of Maskinongé includes 17 municipalities and covers an area of approximately 2,400 square kilometres. Sixteen of its seventeen municipalities are rural. Louiseville is the only urban municipality.
The population of the MRC of Maskinongé is 36,316 (2016). Agriculture, the furniture industry and recreational tourism are the three sectors that support its economic activity.
The MRC of Maskinongé offers striking and varied landscapes due to its still intact nature. The hospitality and passion of the people of the MRC make it a warm and welcoming environment. Its historical character and the wide variety of outdoor activities that its natural environment allows contribute to make it an inviting place. Finally, the presence of several good restaurants and many cultural and heritage attractions complement the portrait of the MRC of Maskinongé.
(Source: Guide d’accueil 2007-2008, CLD de la MRC de Maskinongé)
Here is the list of the 17 municipalities found in the MRC de Maskinongé :
Charette, Louiseville, Maskinongé, Saint-Alexis-des-Monts, Sainte-Angèle-de-Prémont, Saint-Barnabé, Saint-Boniface, Saint-Édouard-de-Maskinongé, Saint-Élie-de-Caxton, Saint-Étienne-des-Grès, Saint-Justin, Saint-Léon-le-Grand, Saint-Mathieu-du-Parc, Saint-Paulin, Saint-Sévère, Sainte-Ursule, Yamachiche.
Collective transportation
The population of the MRC of Maskinongé can count on Collective Transport for it’s travel in the Mauricie area.